Plan miasta Handelaer

Handelaer - Najnowsze wiadomości:

A Tourist's Guide through Albany

Broadway was first known as Handelaer, and subsequently as Market street. State street was originally Yonkers. At the intersection of Broadway and State street stood the old Dutch Church which was torn down in 1806. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

A Tourist's Guide through Albany

Broadway was first known as Handelaer, and subsequently as Market street. State street was originally Yonkers. At the intersection of Broadway and State street stood the old Dutch Church which was torn down in 1806. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Dan Nilsson - D? är man Trygg E-handlare,62.html. Och de svarade med följande:,64.html. Posted 26 Maj 2009 at 18:41 ?; Charles wrote: Ha ha jag ?kte dit hos UC, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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